
Our Services

Environment Techno- Legal Services

Any industry/ construction activity/ Hospital/ Infrastructure development etc. needs various permission from State Pollution Control Board.

We assist/ procure various permissions like,

  • Consent To Establish (NOC)
  • Consent To Operate (CTO)
  • Registration under Plastic Rules
  • Registered Recyclers under Rule-9

Environment Clearance Certificate

Any Industry/ Infrastructure development/ construction activity having applicability of Environment Impact Assessment Notification needs to obtain Environment Clearance certificate from Ministry of Environment/ State Authority.

We procure Environment Clearance certificate from Ministry of Environment/ State Authority.

To prepare compliance of Environment Clearance certificate.

Training Related To GPCB- XGN Site To Maintain Record At Site

After obtaining permission from State Pollution Control Board, filling/ updation of returns are mandatory.

We train/ aware about following aspects:

  • Monthly patrak
  • Annual returns
  • To prepare online manifest
  • To update Hazardous waste details online
  • To maintain/ prepare records at site

Annual Retainership Contract Related To GPCB- XGN Site

  • Updation of Monthly patrak
  • Updation of Annual return
  • To prepare Hazardous waste manifest
  • To aware about GPCB- XGN updation
  • To update online hazardous waste details

Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) Permission

Any units which withdraw ground water, requires to obtain permission from Central Ground Water Authority.

We procure CGWA permission:

  • To obtain CGWA NOC including Ground Water Impact Assessment Report/ Water Modeling
  • To comply with CGWA NOC conditions.
  • To supply piezometer.

Cleaner Production Study

  • Helps to minimize loss of Natural Resources, products, Raw- materials consumption.
  • Maximize yield of product
  • Lower the costing

Engineering Services

There is generation of waste water, gaseous emission, hazardous waste from any manufacturing activity. Which should be treated to meet with the applicable norms defined by the Government.

We provide treatment solutions to meet with defined norms:

  • Industrial wastewater (effluent) Treatment plant
  • Domestic (sewage) wastewater Treatment plant
  • Air pollution control system
  • Operation & maintenance of ETP/ STP
  • Training related to ETP/ STP operations